A final race in 2018 – that was the plan for a couple of X3M runners today. Gavin Hodgson and Bob Haller ran the 8km at the ’29. Silvesterlauf Trier’, the german Sao Paulo with confetti showers and samba groups. Gavin showed an impressive run and won the ‘Natus-Volkslauf der Männer’ over 8km, his end time […]
Month: December 2018
3 Länner Trail 2018
Sonny Eschette showed once again her good shape by finishing 2nd female overall at the 17km ‘3-Länner-Trail’ around Lieler/Weiswampach in the north of Luxembourg. It took her 1h25:16 to finish those difficult 17km on slippery and wet underground, just a minute down to winner Egilsdottir from Trilux. Erica Bastian-Beamer raced the shorter 11km trail and […]
X3M Triathlon Mersch unterstützt AktivKidz asbl.
Jahr für Jahr setzt sich der Triathlonverein X3M Mersch asbl. dafür ein, Gelder zu sammeln um später einem gemeinschaftlichen Zweck zuzuführen. Dieses Jahr hatte der Verein sich dazu entschlossen, die AktivKidz ASBL zu unterstützen. Dies ist eine dynamische Organisation, die seit 2016 aktiv ist und sich hauptsächlich um Kinder-Sportprojekte in Lesotho/Afrika kümmert. Spenden wurden während […]
Bob Haller 2nd at 5000m indoor
Nouveau partenariat avec CROISE S.A.
Notre club est fier de pouvoir annoncer un partenariat de 3 ans avec l’assureur Croisé S.A. Fondée en 1921, l’agence générale d’assurances CROISE SA vous aide à définir vos besoins en assurance selon votre situation personnelle, soit au niveau familial, pour votre voiture ou habitation et même pour des séjours à l’ étranger. Croisé SA […]
Cross-Challenge 4 – CAEG Dreiborn
3rd start, 3rd win – once again very strong performance by Oliver Gorges at the 4th race of the cross-country challenge in Dreiborn. Under quite difficult conditions (muddy track covered by snow), Oliver was in the leading pack of the combined senior and espoirs race. After 5600m, Oliver finished first in 20:15min and won the espoirs category. […]
Sonny Eschette wins ’15. Deifferdenger Chreschtlaaf’
Sonny Eschette won the 15th ‘Deifferdenger Chrëschtlaaf’ over 10km. Her end time of 42:58min was the 16th fastest time overall out of 129 finishers. Well done Sonny! RESULTS – 15. Deifferdenger Chreschtlaaf
‘Schwimmen am Limit’ (Lëtzebuerger Journal)
LUXEMBURG DANIEL OLY Extremschwimmer Guy Bertemes will seinen eigenen Rekord knacken Mal eben ein paar Runden im Becken ziehen, die Seele baumeln lassen, den Kopf frei kriegen – aus solchen Gründen gehen wir für gewöhnlich schwimmen. Wir dürften dabei aber kaum auf die Idee kommen, in 24 Stunden so viele Bahnen wie möglich im Becken […]
Parteneriat avec la société Marcel Grosbusch & Fils
Notre association X3M Triathlon Mersch est plus que fière d’annoncer un parteneriat avec la société Marcel Grosbusch & Fils afin de promouver d’avantage un style de vie sain et une alimentation équilibrée parmi nos membres. Depuis l’édition 2017 de notre trail à Mersch, la société Marcel Grosbusch & Fils nous a fourni des fruits pour les ravitaillements. Le comité tient à […]
2018 Dakar ATU Sprint Triathlon African Cup
Oliver Gorges raced his last triathlon for 2018 in Dakar, the capital of african country Senegal. The continental ATU sprint triathlon was won by lux. athlete Stefan Zachäus, Oliver came in 45sec later on excellent 8th rank overall. 8 Oliver Gorges 01:00:42 00:11:14 00:00:11 00:33:01 00:00:00 00:16:16
Cross-Challenge 3 – CSL
Please find the results of our athletes who ran the 3rd race of the Cross-Challeng cup under poor and muddy conditions : In the scolaires race, Finn Schiltz took 13th rank overall in 7:16min for 1940m. (69 participants) In the female Senior race (4200m), Danièle Flammang finished 14th in 18:06min. The men senior race over […]
Scott XTRAILS trailrun Houffalize (B)
On Sunday Dec 9th, Guy Theissen ran the 10 km Sprint Trail (10,6 Km/400 M+) of the Scott XTrails trailrun series in Houffalize (B). There were different distances on offer that day. As it is often the case, trail running in Houffalize, means having to deal with difficult terrain and long single tracks including some […]
FLTRI Triathlon Awards 2018
Christian Weyland finished 96th @IM Argentina
Christian Weyland raced the IRONMAN South American Championship in Argentina this sunday. Very heavy winds and cool weather made this race quite hard, the swim part even had to be shortened due to the cold sea water… At bike check-in, the time trial bikes had to be glued to the bars and the floor to […]